Student Solution


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Written Discussion 5

Written Discussion 5

Q Once you've reviewed Chapter 6: Finding a Purpose and Selecting a Topic, you'll want to take time to carefully study the following document: Persuasive Speech Assignment revised fall 2021.docx Download Persuasive Speech Assignment revised fall 2021.docx We'll be focusing on it throughout the rest of the semester. Make sure you understand what you'll need to accomplish with this major assignment. You will then want to choose your topic-- one value-- from this extensive 4-page list: Lesson 7 Persuasive Values Speech Topics- revised2.docx Download Lesson 7 Persuasive Values Speech Topics- revised2.docx Again, you need to choose just 1 value from this fairly exhaustive list. Some of the topics/values are rather broad. Feel comfortable narrowing your topic to fit your personal knowledge and interests of your audience. Spend time thinking about this. What value do you relate to? Do you have some experience with the value you've chosen and are you curious to learn more? You'll also want to be thinking about your audience. How might they relate to the value you've chosen? You definitely don't want to rush this part of the planning stage as you will need to "live" with this decision for the rest of the semester. When you've chosen your topic/value (and narrowed it to your liking) use the follow prompts to develop a paragraph and post it in Discussion Forum: • Your choice of topic/value from the provided list (above) • A specific persuasive purpose statement (review section 6.4 of the e-text) • An explanation of your connection to the topic. You want to describe your relationship with the value. Why do you believe you have the credibility (Ethos) to speak with us about this value? In other words, how do you envision showing character, competence, caring, and charisma? • Comment on why you believe your audience will be open to a speech on this particular value. Contemplate and comment on your classmates' (your audience's) psychographics (Section 5.1 of your text). • Finally, plan to respond to at least 3 of your peers about their specific purpose statements and stay open to suggestions they make about yours. Finally, review the Discussion Rubric for details on how this assignment will be evaluated.

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I have chosen accountability to research further. The specific persuasive purpose statement would be that accountability breeds responsibility in performer. The connection I have had with this value since a long time. My parents used to punish me for not completing any assigned tasks in my early childhood days. I used to furious at that point of time but now I can understand the importance of such lessons I had. Whether it is my workplace or the family, I have always stood tall for my actions and have never backed out.